Hybrid Wilderness First Responder Recertification

Review, practice, and stay on top of your skills with NOLS Wilderness Medicine's Wilderness First Responder Recertification Course! This scenario-based approach to recertification provides you the opportunity to test your skills against realistic situations.

You'll practice and relearn wilderness medicine protocols, review evacuation and decision making guidelines, and receive the latest updates in wilderness medicine.

This course is offered in a “hybrid” format which is four to six hours of self-paced, online learning to be completed prior to course, followed by 18 hours of in-person training over two days. Both options include CPR.

Check out these online resources ahead of time, because you'll start the course with a written exam! You'll learn both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold or hot environments!


Please check out our recertification guidelines to make sure you're eligible to renew your certification.

Please review our course policies including COVID-19 policies, cancellation policies, attendance requirements, minimum age requirements, and more.

Course takes place at Eagle Mount, in Bozeman.


Course Policies

WFR-R Course Outline

WFR-R Course Overview

Student Agreement